Leopoldstadt - Jewish Vienna beyond the Danube Canal Deutsche Version dieser Tour
The bulk of Jewish immigrants who came to Vienna in the late 19 and early 20 centuries settled in the Leopoldstadt Vienna's second district located between the Danube and the Danube Canal. It became the hub of Jewish life. Some of the town's finest synagogues were built there as well Jewish shops, clubs, theatres and welfare agencies. Leopoldstadt was also a central-European stronghold of Zionism and Chassidism. Sigmund Freud spent his youth there, composers Arnold Schönberg and Oscar Strauss were born there, also renowned dramatist Arthur Schnitzler and psychiatrist Victor Frankl, founder of Logotherapy and Holocaust survivor. Jewish life was brutally wiped out by the Shoah, but new Jewish life has returned, particularly around Taborstrasse and Praterstrasse the district commercial arteries.
Meeting Point 2., Obere Augartenstraße 74 (U2-Station Taborstraße, Exit Taborstraße)
Dates There are no dates for this tour but it can be booked individually for a group